Released: Aug 2009
Role(s): Lead Designer and Artist
DESCRIPTION: "Strategic Thinking Asynchronous Networked Complex Environment" (STANCE) was designed to familiarize students with the conflictive nature of the strategic policy process using a simulated environment. Through the use of game-based adaptive scenarios, students will be creating “strategic memory reflexes” that will help them later to recognize patterns in other adaptive situations where they are supposed to be agents of change.
I was the lead designer and artist on this game. I worked with SMEs from concept to completion to design, launch, maintain, and update scenarios. There were 7 highly detailed office environments created for different team user interfaces. On top of the complete game design docs and unique user interfaces needed, an extensive update to the Dystopia map infrastructure was needed to support it. I doubled the size of our existing environment infrastructure to create a geo-typical Border region.
TOOLS USED: DMZ Game Engine, Maya, Photoshop, Illustrator, Omnigraffle